Secure Document Sharing Solutions

Secure document sharing solutions are the foundation for modern companies. From financial and email messages shared with colleagues across the office to customer data and intellectual property shared with partners all over the world Secure document sharing is a key element. Whiteboards are being replaced by applications for business productivity, and email has been replaced with online collaboration tools.

File encryption at-rest and in-transit auditing capabilities, streamlined processes and cloud storage are the characteristics of secure document sharing solutions that can protect sensitive data from hijackers while enabling users to share their information from any device at anytime. Secure document storage solutions should allow organizations to establish and manage user access rights with the ability to grant granular access to specific individuals or groups for different durations of time.

A good solution will also prevent unauthorized access by requiring passwords, using two-factor authentication (2FA) or using strong passwords. Some systems also can automatically create and transmit an individual password to new users, or reset passwords for existing ones to ensure they are safe from hackers.

Whether you need to collaborate with clients, customers or vendors to discuss and review sensitive documents, or simply want an easy method to share documents with your team or the entire company, TitanFile offers a powerful client portal with unlimited online storage that expands with your needs. Our HIPAA and FINRA compliant enterprise file share backup, sync, and sync solution integrates encryption in-transit and at-rest along with robust auditing capabilities for complete peace of mind. Start your free trial today!

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